Extraordinary claims require extraordinary evidence cosmic fugue galaxies, culture tingling of the spine, courage of our questions.

Autumn Evenings

In those chilly autumn nights is not a news for you that I love spend more time at home, relaxing and watching a movie! This week I've been loving Pride and Prejudice. I know this film by heart, but each time I watch it I feel butterfly in my stomach! This tempestuous love story between Elizabeth Bennet and the fascinating Mr Darcy is simply.. I would say electrifying! I seriously recommend it, if you're on the hunt for a brilliant love story! You will not regret it, trust me! And obviously, how can I forget to pair this lovely novel with a good caffelatte?? What are you up to on those crisp autumn nights?

What film /tv series have you loved this week? 
Have you already seen Pride and Prejudice?



  1. Lovely photo Federica! Pride & Prejudice is one of my favourite films, as is the BBC series from the 1990 with Colin Firth. Another good one is North & south by Elizabeth Gaskell (also a BBC series, I think), starring Richard Armitage. The final scenes are beautiful.

    1. Thank you so much Eliza! I definitely want to see this North and South! I love this type of movies, I'm so curious right now! Xx


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