Extraordinary claims require extraordinary evidence cosmic fugue galaxies, culture tingling of the spine, courage of our questions.

7 Things

Today I thought I could share something more personal. 7 things that you don't know about me. 7 things I actually love and can't live without! I've never done a post like this, so let's get into it!

Jumpers. Is something that is in my everyday life. The more loose and chunky, the best for me! I'm not a very on trend girl, I like to keep my style simple and minimalistic, at the same time I like to look put together. Jumpers allow me to do that! You can dress them up or down and it is definitely my favorite go to look, for A/W season. I feel confident wearing them and this give me the freedom of enjoying what I'm doing, without overthink "why I put this weird thing on today" all the time!

Hazelnuts. If someone told me to describe myself in one word, that must be hazelnuts. I love them since I've memories. It is practically my most loved ice cream flavor. Everyone always tease me when it comes my turn to choose what I want.. because they know that I could never pick a different one! I always want to try something new, but hazelnuts ice cream is so good!!

Turmeric. Is my favorite spice. Don't have a really strong flavor, it is almost like ginger. This simple spice has got so many benefits inside of it: antioxidant, inflammatory, contains vitamin A, D and B12. I love to incorporate this tasty spice in my salted zucchini or sprinkle a little bit in the pot where my pasta is boiling, it will turn flavored and with a bright yellow color! Then is ready to be seasoned!

Photography. My most loved hobby. I do really like take picture of everything around me. Taking visible memories to get back to. I enjoy spend my free time going hiking and taking lots picture and also spending entire afternoons composing the perfect photo for a particular blog post. It is something I'm really passionate about and I won't ever give up to.

Mugs. Oh well, my absolute favorite things to collect. I definitely own to many! I can't stop collect them, I swear! Has to be because I love coffe, tea and cookies so much. I can't stand an entire day without drink a good coffe and hot milk. It really relax me and stress me out! And mugs are so pretty in their different patterns and shapes!

Kaleidoscope. This was a gift from my father long time ago. I love this so much! It allows me to day dream even more than I already do! I love spend time watching through the different geometric shapes and the stunning color that comes out of it!

Flowers. I've got a thing for flowers. If I could I probably strew flowers everywhere! They truly represent my soul. Simple, colorful and brimful of life. I love watching them, take photos of them and stand by their side! There's a quote that I particularly love and I think really represent what a flower means to me: every human being has to take its own path.

 A flower does not think of competing to the flower next to it. It just blooms - Zen Shin

I hope you've enjoyed today's post!
There's somethings that truly represent you? 
Or remind you something you truly love?
What are you passionate about?

Let me know in the comment, I'd love to know!!



  1. I totally agree with what you said about jumpers - they're great! :) also this is such a cute mug, I love the flower print x

    1. Thank you Sara!! The mug is from Ikea, they got so many pretty things! I love so much jumper, I could wear them no stop! Xx


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