Extraordinary claims require extraordinary evidence cosmic fugue galaxies, culture tingling of the spine, courage of our questions.

Sunday | visiting lucca

This Sunday we went to Lucca, a pretty beautiful city! We wanted to have a truly relaxing fall day off, with no stress, it has been spectacular! We've take a ride along the old city walls, and the view was so breathtaking! I could not stop taking picture. Fall is my favorite season and this has been my most loved Sunday in a long time, in terms of relax and photography of course! Its something I never get tired of! Hope you enjoy my pics!  

I wanted also to add something more. Sometimes we don't fully appreciate where we live. Maybe its just because we don't actually have the full knowledge of where we are. And I'm guilty of that! My thought lately has been how can I imagine to travel abroad if I don't even have already explored my own country? Probably this is just an excuse because I don't have enough money to travel, but what's the matter? I live in a country full of everything you can imagine! I'm going to make the most of it! 

What have you done on Sunday?


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