Extraordinary claims require extraordinary evidence cosmic fugue galaxies, culture tingling of the spine, courage of our questions.

Hello December!

What is your favorite thing about Christmas?

My favorite thing about Christmas has to be memories. It is strange I know, but in this time of the year I go trough them a lot. I remember about my family and the traditions that we had when we were little, me and my sister. In a happy way! It is funny how things change and evolve as the years pass. 

What is your favorite Christmas movie?

Trading Places is a classic in our family traditions, we watch this film every single Christmas Eve! 
It is so funny, I love Eddie Murphy!

Real tree or fake tree?

We use to get it real, but in the last few years we moved to the fake one.. I kind of regret it, so I think when we finally find our happy place (me and my boyfriend) I wanna go back to the real one. The smell is so Christmassy! 

Giving present or receiving them?

Hundred percent giving them! I totally live for that moment! I like to see surprising faces like "Oh God, I wasn't expect this!" I'm a master in make gifts to people. I'm a really empathetic person! 

Do you open your presents Christmas morning or evening?

Christmas morning, when we were little we use to get up together and run to the living room to see all of the gifts that Santa Claus bring to us! Obviously we were all still in pajamas! My parents, my sister and my lovely grandma! 

What tops your tree?

A classic pointed ice blue glass topper.

As a kid what was the one (crazy, wild, extravagant) gift you always asked for but never received?

This is something I still have issues with. I ask 4 years straight Emiglio the robot. Now I'm Italian and I don't know if this toy existed in other countries, but basically it was an handyman robot! I remember wanted it so much, but never received it! 

Handmade Christmas cards or bought?

Bought for sure, I'm not a good designer!

What's your favorite Christmas food?

Pandoro with Nutella! The Pandoro is a sort of soft and sweet cake. Is basically flour, sugar and butter. Not healthy for sure! You can eat it in the regular way with some icing sugar on top, or in the baddest but more satisfactory and sweetest way: topping with Nutella! 

Do you have any Christmas Eve traditions?

Again memories! I remember after hanging our Christmas stockings to the oven in the kitchen, I always want to let Santa a snack on the table. It usually was Biscotti a Stelle (chocolate cookies) and a glass of milk. It was so rewarding in the morning seeing that he eaten and drank everything!


For this tag I want to thanks Sara from About Little Thiings blog. I've loved to going back trough old memories, this makes me really happy! Go check her Christmas Tag out!

Hope you enjoyed! Have a lovely day!



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