Extraordinary claims require extraordinary evidence cosmic fugue galaxies, culture tingling of the spine, courage of our questions.

5 Tips to be Happy

First of all I wanted to say that I'm not a psychologist, I'm not an expert. This is just what works for me and I thought I could share what I've learned on my skin with you! I will be happy if anyone else found this helpful! 

1. GROW YOUR PASSIONS don't let your passions fade away. That is blogging, play sports, cooking, a book club, photography or any other kind of thing that makes your soul happy, let them grow! For example, if there's something that makes me goes through a bad day at work, is the thought that once at home I will edit something on the blog, or work on some photography. That's what I love to do. So focus on your passion and you will notice the difference, this will makes you happy!

2. SEE THE POSITIVE each one of us has bad days. Some days the only thing that I want its to stay in bed until the next morning, but in real life thats not possible. The only thing you have to do is accept the hard truth. You have two choice in front of you: be negative, and be in a bad mood, blame it on everything or you can see the positive and make the best out of your day! Why loose your time being a negative person? No one is gonna give you back that time you've wasted. Think about it! 

3. SPREAD THE LOVE do something good, kind and lovely for other people. Like your lovers, family and friends or even for someone unknown. Be positive and spread love, you will feel so better! Make gift or surprises, give a flower to someone! Even a little act of kindness, share your love and you will feel so much full of love!

4. TREAT YOURSELF don't be so hard, every now and then, you deserve some attention! If you love yourself everyone around you can feel it. Take a relaxing pamper night, with mask, a warm bath and a good book! Or maybe do some yoga, eat a donut, go for a walk into the woods! Just be kind to yourself. Once you have accomplished all of your daily tasks, take a moment for yourself and do what you love, you deserve it!

5. SMILE, ALWAYS! this is something that is simple to me, smile is the only thing that can make me relate to other people! I'm a really shy person, so I do not speak easily to people I don't know. I hate this part of me! Sometimes people who don't know you can judge you like a snob person, just because you don't talk! This can cause me negative thoughts. My secret weapon is SMILE! If people see you smiling and interested in what they're saying, maybe, with patience, can relate to you and you can get out of the box! So keep smiling and be happy!

I know, this last one was a little bit complicated, but I'm a really weird and peculiar person! I've to work a lot on it!

So I hope you have found this tips helpful! Let me know if you have other tips to recommend me! I will be glad to read them!


  1. this is such a great post, thank you for sharing! :) I'm a very shy person too so tip number five is very helpful x

    1. Thank you Sara! I'm really happy you've found this helpful!! This totally make my day! I'm a shy person too so, I feel you! Xx


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