Extraordinary claims require extraordinary evidence cosmic fugue galaxies, culture tingling of the spine, courage of our questions.

My Everyday Fail-Safe Outfit

In winter season if there's something I love doing, is to layer up! It allows you to wear so many combinations of clothes without struggle for hours in front of your wardrobe. It easy, fast and lazy approved! Simplicity is the key. When I chose an everyday outfit I go for comfy and baggy combination. Trying to pick lighter shades, just to not draws too much attention.

What's your everyday-safe outfit?


  1. Love the boyfriend jeans! I wish I had a pair, they seem amazing to style and comfy. My everyday outfit is very similar, I usually have jeans, converse, a shirt or jumper and a nice warm scarf Xx

    1. Sounds great! Adding a scarf definitely spice up the whole outfit! Xx


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